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Women’s Health and Reproductive Rights

  • Demystifying knowledge & dissemination of information enabled ordinary women to take extra ordinary actions to gain control over their body

Women, Law and Social Change

  • Mahila Panchayats- Women Helping Women- A community redressal mechanism  to prevent domestic violence.
  • 900 Sampark families engaging men and boys to create No Violence Homes.
  • Implementation of Protection of Women Against Domestic Violence Act, 2005(PWDVA) – Enabling access to survivors to gain legal justice.

Making Girls Leaders

  • Gender Equality- Peer educators in schools
  • Scholarship Program – Girls Learn International
  • Life Skills and Skill Training for Employment
  • We Can – Stop Violence Against Women and Girls – Changemakers Campaign

Right to Water and sanitation

  • Swachh Delhi Swasth Delhi –Clean Delhi Healthy Delhi – Urban Local Governance
  • Women’s Initiative in Community Management-WATSAN –Women’s Collectives

Promoting Menstrual Health Management

Rural Program – 38 Villages in Hapur Distrcit, Uttar Pradesh

  • Looking Through A Gender Lens – Continuum of Care to Ensure Safe Birthing – Access to Public Health Services
  • Self Help Groups- Savings and Credits, Livelihoods
  • Sabla Mahasangh – Federation of 200 SHGs

Save The Girl Child Campaign

  • Celebrating the Birth of Girl Child
  • Community Watch on Pre Conception Pre Natal Diagnostic Test Act (PCPNDT)
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