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The Benefits of Fashion

The Benefits of Fashion is an annual charity fashion show held in New Delhi, India to campaign for women’s empowerment. This project was conceived and institutionalized in 2012 by Alison Dominguez, Claudia Masegosa and Anja Durston of the American Embassy School. Each year the organizers, designers, and models are comprised solely of high school student volunteers.

This year the show is being run by Braelyn Chatterjea, Kara White, Rhea Vyas and BasquiatAnastasiou. The objective of the 2016 Benefits of Fashion is to raise funds and awareness for the NGO Action India, specifically for their Girls Learn International (GLI) program. This program is dedicated to ending the educational disparities that too many girls face throughout Delhi. It provides tuition scholarships for school aged and college aged girls, thus enabling underprivileged girls to receive a full, successful education. GLI also holds weekly workshops on feminine hygiene, sexual education, and self-defense.

The Benefits of Fashion will culminate in a fashion show held on February 27th 2015 at the American Ambassador’s Residence in New Delhi, India. The show catered to 250-350 top leaders, young change-makers, and members of the Diplomatic and Expatriate Community of New Delhi.The girls from our GLI Forum went to the Fashion Show and spoke about their journey and their fight to achieve their rights.

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