Promoting Linkages For Urban Sustainability- The PLUS Project

The PLUS project was introduced with a target of 1600 households in three blocks in the resettlement colony as well as in Sanjay Camp an “unauthorized” colony in Dakshinpuri, New Delhi, within a time-bound period ending in 2003.

Action India’s history of mobilizing the community to demand basic services for water, electricity, and sanitation had till now remained at the local administrative level. The PLUS experience gave Action India an understanding of the different administrative agencies and their lack of coordination and responsibility in providing basic services to the people in the slums. The strategy to liaison with local elected representatives, government departments and officials, demanded accountability and action sustained by pressure from the community leaders and neighborhood groups.

  • Learning through Action- the core of PLUS is a continuous three - phased process “action-reflection-action” led by the community.
  • Building Linkages and Coalitions - In partnership with CBOs, NGOs, business communities and neighbourhood groups to work jointly with the political representatives and government agencies to utilize existing resources to implement projects intended for the area.
  • Capacity Building - Developing the capacity of the community, NGOs and CBOs is the foundation of PLUS.
  • Networking and Advocacy– to create pressure groups both at the grassroots level with CBOs and at the city level with other NGOs and concerned citizens for policy advocacy.

Swachh Delhi Swasth Delhi –Clean Delhi Healthy Delhi – Urban Local Governance

Action India initiated the Swachh Delhi Swasth Delhi-Clean Delhi and Healthy Delhi project in Nov 2008 in six resettlement/JJ clusters in North-east district. Bhalaswa in the North-west was included in 2011. The North-east zone in this region has the largest concentration of economically backward and poor families. They are living in the most squalid conditions and human degradation, excluded from the amenities and development of Delhi as a world class city. Action India undertook a water and sanitation project to bring about the much-needed change, ensuring that the urban poor live a dignified life with access to adequate essential services with an emphasis on women’s agency.

Swachh Delhi Swasth Delhi
Women’s Initiative in Community Management-WATSAN –Women’s Collectives

Women’s Initiative in Community Management-WATSAN –Women’s Collectives

The WATSAN Committee is actively promoting health and hygiene practices in their community. They are monitoring the safai karamcharis (cleaning staff) on duty and motivating their neighbours to keep their drains clean. The household garbage collection and keeping of dustbins at home is seen to be a good practice across model galees (lanes). Each area has expanded the galee model from 7/8 to 14/15 galees. The committee members have learned to write applications to concerned departments and follow up relentlessly till their demand is met. The WATSAN Committees have strategically used signature campaigns, directly meeting the officials in groups to address their problems.

74th Amendment – Urban Local Bodies (ULB)

Action India has realised that water and sanitation is an issue of good governance. The 74th Amendment provides the law which governs the ULB. The law brought about devolution of power through people’s representation at the ward level and ultimately led to more equitable distribution of resources, ensuring public services to the underprivileged. The main objective of the 74th amendment is to involve the people in the decision-making process. Including the people in micro planning would lead to decentralisation and ensure transparency and accountability of the State. The following structural changes are envisaged: democratic process in local urban bodies, better coordination with the State government on implementation of plans and schemes and taxes.