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It started in the community as a forum for young girls to grow into young women. GLI began a journey for these girls towards liberation and empowerment. The constant interaction between these girls with many others has led to conceptual change in their understanding of themselves and life. They also have found dynamism and confidence in themselves and this change has been generational. The journey began Three generations back and now we have 1st time graduate girls in their families who identify themselves as GLI. They are not only first time girls who have graduated but also first graduates in the family. They always mention that what they achieved as GLI is the self-respect and confidence to have an identity and fight for it. Now, they are working with Action India as community mobilizers and teachers looking after the places and people from where they began their journey.

Testimonial from a GLI girl:

Priya (Sundernagari):

I joined GLI 4 years back and completed high school while being a part of the girls Forum. I gained so much motivation that I wanted to come out this cycle of oppression and poverty. I understood my rights as a girl and my duties as a responsible citizen. In these years there was one change in me I started loving myself and I applied for the Advanced scholarship for Higher Education in Action India to become a Sanitary Inspector. She says that now she wants to help girls like her to fly .

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